Monday, April 27, 2020

Covid-19 Investment Opportunity and the Hemp Nothingburger

So when the Coronavirus Pandemic hit at the same time OPEC was in a Oil War with Russia, I knew there had to be some hysterical market reaction, and there was.

SPECULATION: With Covid-19 there will be some premature re-opening because most people don't understand that it's not like the Chicken Pox. You can get reinfected after having this virus. I expect the market to rush upward, then spike down again when the Covid case reports skyrocket again. Especially after all the protests these past two weeks. Cases will spread among the protesters, but the symptoms probably won't emerge and get reported until next week or a little longer, then the Governors will have to clamp down the economy again.

I decided to dump all of my Hemp related stocks, clearly the lack of processing infrastructure, interstate commerce and FAA restrictions, are still keeping the downward pressure going. In Illinois there are a small number of distributors who must drive all over the state. If they could fly it would save much time, but, you know, FAA regulations.

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